School Counseling


My mission as your child's counselor is to assist you and his/her teachers in facilitating Greenway's mission statement and goals for each and every student.

I would like to invite you to come in and get to know me and the services offered from this office. You may come by school or call during "teacher hours" and make an appointment with me. You don't need to wait until you have a problem or special reason! We hope that, together, we can lay a good foundation for future success and achievement by making your child's years at Greenway Elementary a happy and rewarding learning experience.

You can reach me by phone at 671-4845

Marty Howell, Guidance Counselor


Counselors' Goals

  • Help children understand themselves and others
  • Help to identify children with special needs
  • Provide crisis intervention
  • Develop plans to prevent academic/behavioral problems from developing
  • Provide Character Education program
  • Coordinate the efforts of other professionals working for children
  • Provide orientation for children coming to Greenway for the first time
  • Promote positive attitudes toward persons of diverse cultural, racial, ability, and socioeconomic backgrounds

Registration: Click Enrollment & Withdrawal Process under PARENT'S CORNER in the menu bar.

Health Services Program

Parents are encouraged to call the school if they have health concerns regarding their child. The visiting health nurse provides health counseling, health education, and assistance with medical referrals and necessary follow-up.

In case of a health emergency, “911” (emergency medical services) will be called and the parent/guardian will be notified immediately. In the event the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the person designated by the parent/guardian to call “in case of emergency” will be notified.

During the school year, all students are eligible to participate in certain health services. Health screenings including, but not limited to, vision, hearing, and scoliosis will be conducted at various grade levels. Parents will be notified if these screenings indicate need for follow-up. If a parent does not wish for his/her child to participate in health screenings, they should send a written note to the principal on a yearly basis requesting their child be excluded from participation.

Health services begin the first week of school.

School health insurance forms are available upon request in the main office.

Medicine and Medication

If students are to take medication at school, an authorization form must be on file in the clinic naming the drug and the physician who prescribed the medicine, phone number of the physician, amount and times medication is to be given and the health condition requiring the medication. Students will not be permitted to take medication without a completed authorization form (including inhalers). The medicine is to be brought to school in the original container and kept in the clinic.

Students are not allowed to keep medication in lockers, desks, purses, etc., or on their person; however, a metered dose inhaler as prescribed by a physician for asthma is permitted upon following the proper protocols aforementioned. Upon arriving at school, parents should bring the authorization form and the medication immediately to the clinic. Schedule medication for times other than school hours if possible. Over the counter drugs, such as aspirin, asper gum, cough drops, cough syrup, decongestants, etc., should not be brought to school.