Welcome Parents!!!!
As we enter the 2024-2025 School Year, we encourage you to be an active participant at the school.
Home & School Connection: Working Together for School Success
Thank you for all of your support and participation that you continue to involve yourselves in here at Greenway! If you have not yet signed up for the Parent Portal, we encourage you to do so. Information regarding your child's grades, attendance and test scores can be viewed on the parent portal. You may also check your child's teacher's website for classroom activities and upcoming events that you and/or your child can be a part of! Also, be sure to sign up for email alerts for a more convenient way to find out about Greenway events and happenings, and specific information for you and your child. Don't forget to check out our monthly newsletters, posted below, for a day to day schedule of school happenings :)
Parents are invited and encouraged to volunteer at school. Every effort will be made to find every parent a way to participate actively in his/her child's education. Volunteers are needed to tutor students, shelve library books, make games, file papers, and chaperone field trips.
To volunteer at Greenway, please start by completing an online volunteer application https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MTE2NTplbi1VUw== . Also, feel free to contact Assistant Principal Patricia Manzanares @ [email protected] to let her know your interests.
A Thank you to Parents -- from Mrs. McEarchern!
We have had an increase of parent involvement. Thank you to our wonderful parents!
Greenway Elementary has many opportunities for parent involvement- SAC, help in the media, and even in the classroom.