November Family Newsletter 2024
Dear GWE Families,
It is hard to fathom that the month of November is right around the corner. We are now in quarter two of the school year. You should have received your child’s quarter one Report Card last week. If you have questions or concerns about grades or behavior, please reach out to the teacher to schedule a parent conference.
The district is asking families to complete a survey to help measure several goals within the Achieve 2026 Strategic Plan. Please provide feedback by November 1st at the following address: (available in English and Spanish)
Please be advised that students may wear “school-friendly” costumes to Greenway on Thursday, October 31st. (No masks, weapons, or anything gory) Additionally, please do not allow your child to bring candy to campus on Friday.
There have been a couple of changes to the original school calendar. October 30th will no longer be an Early Release day. Students will have a full day of school. Also, Monday, November 25th is a hurricane make-up day. All Marion County Public Schools will have a full day of school on the 25th.
As always, please let us know if we can be of assistance. We look forward to our continued partnership. Our students matter and deserve an education that will help them succeed for years to come.
Mrs. McEarchern
October Calendar
October 30 No Early Release
October 31 Students and staff may wear school-friendly costumes.
November Calendar
November 7 Kona Ice Day
November 26-29 Thanksgiving Break
December Calendar
December 9-13 Book Fair
December 12 Family Reading Night 5:30-6:45
December 20 Classroom Parties
December 23 - January 7 Winter Break